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Fruitful visit to NCGM for Brazilian exporters

Fruitful visit to NCGM for Brazilian exporters

A group of 10 representing the Brazilian fruit export industry made a midnight visit to the market on June 11th as part of a longer trip to the UK to find new partners to sell their fruit here.

The Brazilian Fruit Growers and Exporters Association (Abrafrutas), which represents around 80% of the total fresh fruit volume Brazil exports, brought the delegation to London and was given a tour of the fruit and vegetable market and Buyers Walk.

The group included exporters of grapes, mangoes, papayas, ginger, limes, bananas, a range of tropical fruit and figs and Rafael and Maria Fabiano, of Campal, were delighted to find a fine selection of their figs in the first show they came to. Branded World Fruits, the figs had left Brazil the previous day and the Fabianos were surprised that their product was already on sale in London.

Campal is Brazil’s largest fig grower, based in the town of Valinhos, in the Sao Paulo region. Maria was happy to pose for the photograph with her fruit, which could be found throughout the market along with plenty more high-quality Brazilian lines.

Jorge de Souza, Technical and Project Manager at Abrafrutas, said the experience of seeing NCGM in action was “incredible” and he marvelled at the order, quality, range and cleanliness of Buyers’ Walk. On its way round the site, the group was informed of the heritage, the structure and the future potential of NCGM and told how product is sourced by the market’s wholesalers.

On the previous evening, Abrafruta had also held a reception with finger foods, juices and Brazilian cocktails for importers, buyers and wholesalers.

Tommy Leighton
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