This is a wonderful month on the Market, with an abundance of new ingredients coming through.
The traditional start of English asparagus season is St George's Day on April 23rd. But there are already early crops on Buyer's Walk. Homegrown asparagus joins imports from France, Spain and Italy.
Other British highlights include wild garlic and Jersey Royal potatoes. Other UK veg includes the brassicas, beetroots (incl. candy, golden) and other root crops.
Peas and broad beans are here from the Continent.
For fruit, you will find imported soft fruit - with the UK season yet to start in earnest. Other more exotic fruits include pomegranates, mangoes, quince and pineapples.
The citrus season is tailing off but you will still find easy peelers, leafy oranges and lemons, bergamots, cedro and kumquats.
UK-grown outdoor rhubarb is available, with the season for forced now at an end.
Speciality produce from Italy includes the radicchios, fennel, puntarelle, tomatoes and courgettes.
This is a good month for artichokes, including spikey, Thema and Roma varieties.
Here is some stunning agretti - a.k.a. monk's beard.
From France, you will find Lautrec garlic, stunning radishes, salsify, heritage tomatoes. They are also sending fantastic Gariguette and Mara de Bois strawberries. Passe Crassane pears are also highly recommended.
Wet garlic also in season.
Couldn't resist a photo of these stunning microgreens.
For wild mushrooms, Turkish morels are starting - pricey but classy.
See you in May for our next Market Report.