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Covent Garden Market Authority

Covent Garden Market Authority

Who we are

Covent Garden Market Authority (CGMA) is the team that looks after and manages New Covent Garden Market.

A statutory body, set up by Acts of Parliament in 1961, we own and are responsible for the running of the market. We are accountable to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) but don’t receive any direct government funding.

You can read Defra's Covent Garden Market Authority Framework Document here.
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What we do
We work to give our market community the best possible space, support and help to connect with each other and grow.

We lease space on the market and provide our community with the facilities they need to run their businesses. This includes cleaning, recycling and waste disposal, security, traffic control and the maintenance of buildings and equipment.

We also work to support and promote our tenant businesses. We’re behind the market’s social media, website, campaigns, marketing and promotions. We offer business support and development and we link our community to environment, community and health initiatives.

Contact us

Our offices on the market are open Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 16:00.

Tel: 020 7720 2211


Address: Third Floor, Food Exchange, New Covent Garden Market, London, SW8 5EL


Sarah Calcutt

Board Member
Wanda Goldwag

Wanda Goldwag OBE


David Fison

Board Member

Fiona Fell

Board Member

Victoria Wilson

Board Member

Catherine Dugmore

Board Member

Executive Team

Rebecca Barrett

Head of Strategy, Partnerships
and Communications

Jo Breare

General Manager

Alasdair Thomas

General Counsel

Tony O’Reilly

Project Director

Rob Sisley

Finance Director

Giles Roddy

Head of Business Operations IT and Engagement

Toyin Allen

Head of HR

Michael Sharkey

Head of Property

Openness and transparency

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